September Full Moon 2024: What Does the Harvest Moon Bode For Us?

10th Aug 2024
September Full Moon 2024: What Does the Harvest Moon Bode For Us?

Nature lavishes us with her gifts, and one of these gifts is the full moon. It reigns in the sky every month and each time it enchants us with its beauty and magic. This is another article from our series about full moons of 2024, and it will tell you about the September full moon of 2024, which is also called the Harvest Moon. So. Let’s learn all the secrets of the Harvest Moon 2024 to prepare to welcome it properly.

When can you see the September Full Moon in the UK?

You can observe the next full Moon on 18 September. The Moon will rise at 19:28 BST and will be a Harvest Moon and a supermoon. This means the moon will appear bigger than usual, bringing a beautiful night sky with a giant silver disk.

However, on 18 September, the Moon will undergo a partial lunar eclipse, making this even better than the 19 August Super Blue Moon.

According to Met Office, the night sky will be partially covered with clouds, however, there’s a strong change you can easily see the September’s supermoon.

September full moon visibility in the UK
Credit: MetOffice

What is the Harvest Moon?

Harvest Moon is the traditional name for the full moon closest to autumn equinox. An equinox is a phenomenon when the Sun’s centre crosses the celestial equator, passing from one hemisphere to the other, making day and night approximately equal in duration. The dates for the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere are constant (most often 22 September, sometimes 23 September), so the Harvest Moon almost always falls in September. However, approximately once every three years, it rises in early October.

This shift is due to the discrepancy between the lunar cycle and calendar months. Our satellite takes about 29.5 days to go through all its phases and 27.3 days to complete one revolution around the Earth. Based on this difference, the dates of full moons shift by several days every year, and sometimes, we get 13 plenilunes instead of 12.  

Harvest Moon 2024
Credit: jakkapan21 / Getty Images

Where Did the Name Harvest Moon Come From?

Even in ancient times, the aborigines gave a special name to each full moon of the year to track the passage of time and predict seasonal changes. These names have come down to us in almanacks and books, allowing us to immerse ourselves in our ancestors’ cultural and agricultural traditions and maintain them.

During plenilune closest to the autumnal equinox, the lunar disk rises very early, shines very brightly, and disappears from the sky almost with sunrise, allowing people to work in the fields for a long time and harvest products that traditionally ripen in early autumn. That’s why September full moon was called a Harvest Moon.

Are There Other Names For September Full Moon?

full moon names
Monthly Moon Names from multiple traditions. Credit: pinterest

The American Indians called it corn or walnut moon; the Anglo-Saxons – barley moon; and the European peoples dubbed it wine moon (in honour of the grape harvest season).

In China, the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节, Zhōngqiū Jié) is celebrated at this time, which symbolises the reunion of families and gratitude for the harvest.

In Japan, the September full moon is called Tsukimi (月見) – a holiday of moon viewing, when people decorate their houses with autumn colours and enjoy the beauty of the lunar disk and its light.

In Buddhist countries, during the full moon closest to autumn equinox, the Binara Poya holiday is celebrated. On this day, they remember the first woman to take monastic vows, Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the stepmother of Buddha. Binara Poya also coincides with the Vassa season, the “rainy season,” which lasts for three months, usually from July to October, and coincides with the monsoon season in South and Southeast Asia. During Vassa season, monks and nuns retreat to temples and monasteries for intense meditation and spiritual practices.

Why Is the Harvest Moon So Special?

Two features allow us to answer the question of What is unique about the Harvest Moon. The first is the duration of illumination. The earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours. During this time, our satellite, due to its rotation around the Earth in an elliptical orbit, manages to shift by 13 degrees, which requires an additional 50 minutes for it to reappear in the same place in the sky. However, during the autumn equinox, the time between sunrises is reduced by about 20 minutes. This means that the September full moon illuminates the ground longer, which is especially useful for farmers who can continue harvesting after dark.

The second feature is a very bright glow and orange tint due to the low sunrise angle. The full moon closest to the autumn equinox rises towards sunset when it is low on the horizon. During this time, moonlight passes through a thicker layer of the atmosphere, making it brighter and, sometimes, giving the lunar disk an orange tint.

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of September Full Moon 2024? 

Each plenilune, especially during the spring and autumn equinoxes, as well as summer and winter solstices, has a certain spiritual meaning. It represents the completion of some cycles in nature and human life and preparation for a new period.

The spiritual meaning of the Harvest Moon lies in appreciation for the fruits of labour and the abundance bestowed by the earth. People reap the rewards of the summer period and thank nature and the Universe for what they have, whether it’s a harvest collected from the fields or fruits obtained in another area.

What Does a Harvest Moon Symbolize in Astrology?

The bright glow of the Full moon 2024 September silently forces us to stop after the summer season affairs and take stock of:

  • work achievements;
  • personal growth;
  • partnerships;
  • trips and travel.

The transition period to winter is a time of introspection, conclusions, and reaping the rewards of one’s work. Intense activity is replaced by quiet reflection and gratitude for lessons learned, fruits of one’s labour, and accomplishments. And the Supermoon will highlight our victories and the generosity of nature. This is a fruitful time to celebrate harvest day, the end of a project, or completing any stage in one’s work, entrepreneurial, or creative activities.

The Magic Power of the Harvest Moon

magic power of the Harvest Moon
Image credit: jimkruger/Getty Images

The transition into the plenilune phase gives us more light. It is believed that moonlight enhances emotionality, affects the subconscious, and we get to understand many things that were hidden from us, or that we could not realise before. Full moon in September 2024 will help you feel events and processes stronger and deeper.

It is recommended to “dig” into yourself to analyse your life, behaviour, and reactions. During the full moon closest to autumn equinox, energies, intuition, and connection with yourself intensify, giving you an understanding of what you want in life, what new dreams you have, and how to implement them.

What Should You Do During the September Full Moon?

When is the full moon in September 2024, it is also the time to do the following for your spiritual health:

  1. Clear space. Direct your energy to eliminate unnecessary things and objects, let go of grievances and negative emotions.
  2. Meditate. Autumn plenilune is an ideal time for reflection; use meditation for this. It will help you analyse your thoughts and observe your feelings without becoming attached to them.
  3. Charge the crystals. At dusk, you should take the crystals outside and leave them for a day. Let the crystals soak in the moonlight and sunlight to give you the energy you need.
  4. Take care of your feet and toes’ health. It is these parts of the body, along with the pituitary gland, endorphin, and melatonin, that are influenced by the plenilune in Pisces.
  5. Take moon baths. Walking under the moonlight will relieve stress and tension, activating melatonin production.

What Not to Do in September Full Moon?

During the full moon closest to autumn equinox one should not:

  1. Start something new. You need to complete things, let go of feelings and emotions, analyse, but not start anything new.
  2. Argue. Plenilune aggravates emotions, so you should not maintain heated discussions or get into arguments.
  3. Make decisions. There comes a time of slowdown, a minimum of energy. It is recommended to consider plans and offers but not to rush into making decisions. 
  4. Go through surgeries. You’d better select other days for medical procedures.

Harvest Moon Rituals 

September full moon is a favourable time for renewing energy. Choose and perform the ritual that suits you best:

  1. Gratitude ritual. Think about everything that you have received in the previous months, both materially and spiritually. On a piece of paper, write a list of everything you’re thankful for to a higher power. Stand under the moonlight and say this list out loud, thanking both for the grace and for the experience received, even the negative one.
  2. Fuming ritual. Open all windows to allow the energies to move. Light the sage and, walking around the entire room perimeter, ask for energy renewal.
  3. Deliverance ritual. On separate sheets of paper, write down everything you want to get rid of: fears, doubts, anxieties. Under the moonlight, burn the sheets one by one and mentally get rid of negativity. 
  4. Creation ritual. In plenilune, do crafts or paint something. You will launch the energy of creation, harmonising the outer and inner world.

You can use any ritual, but remember that astrology and magic are not sciences to rely upon entirely, even though they can help one get in the right state of mind.

What Date Is the Next Harvest Moon?

September full moon 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere will occur on the night of 17-18 September. It is almost always located in the constellation Pisces, but approximately every three years it is located in front of the constellation Aquarius. Very rarely, once every 20 years, September plenilune falls into the equatorial constellation Cetus, adjacent to the “water” representatives of the sky.

In 2025, the Harvest Moon will rise on 7 October, replacing Hunter Moon, the next plenilune after the Harvest Moon. Therefore, if the Harvest plenilune falls in October, the Hunter’s one will be in November.

Is the full moon September 2024 a Supermoon?

what is a supermoon
Supermoon effect. Credit:

Yes. On 18 September, our satellite will enter the full lunar phase at the perigee point, that is, it will approach the Earth as close as possible and will look larger than usual. In astronomy, this phenomenon is called Supermoon.

Since our satellite’s orbit is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse, the distance from it to Earth is constantly changing. Thus, at maximum approach to the planet, the distance is around 356,500 km, and at maximum distance from the Earth, at the apogee point, about 406,700 km.

Our satellite’s  inclination angle also changes, which in turn, increases its viewing area. Together, this gives us the opportunity to admire the huge lunar disk in the night sky.

But that’s not all. Harvest Supermoon 2024 will be marked by a partial lunar eclipse!!! On the night of 17-18 September, the Earth will be located exactly between the Sun and our satellite, which will hide part of the lunar disk in its shadow. The coincidence of lunar eclipse and Supermoon is a very rare occurrence. Since 1900, only five such events took place: in 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964, and 1982. So, you are incredibly lucky. Save the link to the live broadcast so you don’t miss this incredible celestial show granted to us by space!!!

RELATED: Watch Live : Partial Lunar Eclipse – 18 September 2024

How And Where to Observe the Harvest Moon: Best Tips

So, observing the Harvest Moon 2024 could become a magical experience for you! Here are some tips on how and where to enjoy it best:

  • Use the best stargazing apps: They will help determine the exact time and location of the Full Moon rising.
  • Plan for the weather: Clear skies guarantee the best viewing experience, so check the weather forecast in advance. Look for a spot with an unobstructed view of the eastern horizon, as our satellite will rise in the east.
  • Use binoculars or a telescope: Although the September full Moon 2024 is bright and visible to the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope can enhance the experience by revealing more detail.
  • Capture the moment: Bring your camera or smartphone to take photos. Using a tripod will help stabilize your shots for clearer images.

Best Observation Places

  • Rural areas: Away from city lights where light pollution is minimal.
  • Beaches and coasts: Open horizons provide stunning views of the moonrise.
  • Mountains and hills: High points provide a clear, wide view of the sky.
  • Parks and reserves: Places with minimal artificial lighting.

Harvest Moon 2024 will be visible in the sky throughout the night. It will rise to its maximum height at 02:34 UTC, and will descend in the west before sunrise. Don’t miss this charming occasion, enjoy the beauty of moonlight, and charge yourself with its magical power for new life achievements. 

References and Additional Information:

  • Why is September’s full Moon called the Harvest Moon?
  • What Does the Harvest Moon Mean in Astrology?
  • What makes the Harvest Moon special?
  • September 2024: a supermoon?
  • September Harvest Moon: Meaning and effects of the full moon on the zodiacs
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