Best Astrophotos Of Last Week: Pelican Nebula, Milky Way, And More [31 May-6 June]

9th Jun 2024
Best Astrophotos Of Last Week: Pelican Nebula, Milky Way, And More [31 May-6 June]

Each week, we take to social media to find the most spectacular sky and space photos and compile them into a collection of the best astrophotos of the week. Incredible landscapes with the Milky Way from different photographers are already a traditional part of our collections. What else did the artists photograph in the first week of June?

Amazing nebulae got into their lenses: the Heart and Soul nebula, the Pelican nebula, the Crescent nebula, and others.

Scroll on to see familiar and new celestial objects in a new perspective in our weekly collection!

NGC 6164 Galaxy By Patrick Winkler

Let’s start our best astrophotos collection with this bright image.

“Since I only very rarely take narrowband pictures – I’ll say it upfront – my editing knowledge for this type of picture is very limited. Nevertheless, I gave it a try, although, to be honest, it was a struggle that lasted several days. But the good thing is – it’s an NB image; there is no right or wrong,” the author shares.

NGC 6164
Credit: Patrick Winkler via Facebook

Milky Way Over Hot Creek Ranch By Sean Parker

Another one of the best astrophotos showcases a beautiful landscape over Hot Creek Ranch, California, with our galactic home in the sky.

“Amazing shot, looks unreal”, “Ever travelled there. Never heard of such a thing,” the users have shared their impressions in the comments.

Milky Way over Hot Creek Ranch
Credit: @seanparkerphoto via X (former Twitter)

Our Galaxy By Eulyses Tuya

We couldn’t pass up another image of the Milky Way that mesmerized us.

“This is the Milky Way, our Galaxy, composed of billions of stars. We are looking now at its core, this beautiful view of the Milky Way in Glan Sarangani province, which has a dark sky dark enough to see the Milky Way with our own eyes.

Camera settings

Camera: Nikkon D3300

8sec x 27 frames

Stacked in Sequator & and edited in Adobe Lightroom,” the photographer has written.

Our Galaxy
Credit: Eulyses Tuya via Facebook

Heart And Soul Nebula By Charlie Lyons

“Ninety minutes on the Heart and Soul nebula. Three-minute exposures using a modified DSLR at ISO1600 f/4.0 and a 135mm lens,” the author has written.

Heart and Soul
Credit: Charlie Lyons via X (former Twitter)

Pelican Nebula By Paul Trimby

“The Pelican Nebula. The nights are getting shorter; there are a little more than three hours of not really that dark darkness, so here is the Pelican in Ha and Oiii.

30x180s each of Ha and Oiii
SHO using ForaxxPaletteUtility,” the photographer has commented on his image.

Pelican Nebula
Credit: Paul Trimby via Facebook

Crescent Nebula By Robert Leach

“Managed 3 hours on the Crescent Nebula last night. EdgeHD -HOO,” the author has shared on this stunning shot.

Crescent Nebula
Credit: @Astrophotonzs via X (former Twitter)

Trifid And Lagoon Nebula By Ruben Olvera

“Trifid + Lagoon nebula
Starless + Final
About 30, 5-minute exposures @ 400 ISO
Nikon D5100 Astro mod
Askar 65phq
No calibration frames
Processed through Siril + Photoshop + GraXpert,” the photographer described his astophoto.

Trifid and Lagoon nebula
Credit: Ruben Olvera via Facebook

Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula By @CosmicXpert

“Dark markings and bright nebulae signal young stars and star formation 650 light-years away in the Chamaeleon molecular cloud complex,” the author has written. “Highlights include Ced 110 and 111, and the V-shaped Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula, carved by a newborn star.”

 Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula
Credit: @CosmicXpert via X (former Twitter)

The Fighting Dragons Of Ara By Binh Le Thanh

“NGC 6188 – ‘The Fighting Dragons of Ara’ in SHO with RGB stars

Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX4 with Moonlite Nightcrawler WR35
Camera: ASI6200MM with a set of Chroma 50mm filters
Focal length: 530mm
Mount: AZEQ6 & Avalon M-Uno
Location: Murrumbateman & Belconnen – ACT Australia

Ha = 50 x 300s
SII = 33 x 300s
OIII = 85 x 300s

RGB stars:
R = 20 x 60s
G = 20 x 60s
B = 20 x 60s
Processed with pixinsight”

The Fighting Dragons of Ara
Credit: Binh Le Thanh via X (former Twitter)

To note, this galaxy is a newcomer in our best astrophotos collection, and we are just obsessed by how it looks!

Thank you to all the photographers who shared their incredible images! We highly appreciate your dedication and passion for astrophotography and wish you clear skies for your further shots!

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