Skyrora Plans to Launch Taxi Service to Space for its Customers

27th Nov 2020
Skyrora Plans to Launch Taxi Service to Space for its Customers

Skyrora recently announced a new venture that will offer taxi services to all customers with space interest. Its received more than ten letters from its clientele showing a desire to use its services. 

What the company offers is a launcher that enables clients to get their satellites to space. The project will see its Skyrora XL, a launch vehicle, start sending these satellites into orbit come 2023. The building of this vehicle is taking place in Loanhead, a small town just outside of Edinburgh where the company HQ is located. 

Once complete, the LV heads to Fife, which is the current location of Skyrora test site. It’s worth noting that the vehicle’s delivery is in 3 distinct parts, with the 3rd getting more emphasis. 

The Third Part of the Skyrora XL Vehicle

The third part of this LV is proving more complex than the other two and hence requires more focus. It’s the smallest and will be officially responsible for safely delivering satellites into orbit. So far, this part of the LV has participated in over 95 tests and is now ready for the next stage. 

For the Skyrora XL, part three is powered by the LEO engine – known for its reigniting capabilities once in orbit. With that, all customers get a guarantee of safe delivery of their satellites to precise locations. It explains why the company has dubbed this as a space taxi service that delivers satellites to set destinations. 

By conducting numerous tests, Skyrora has been able to perfect this service. Also, the company is celebrating a remarkable achievement in the form of a vacuum tube. This tube is able to attain 10% sea level pressure. 

More so, testing on these new vacuum conditions has seen Skyrora conduct 20 tests that came to about 25 minutes of operation and to accomplish the lowered pressure necessary for these tests, it went ahead and built a tube that utilizes gas dynamics to achieve the best state. 

One of the main clients who are looking forward to this service by Skyrora are those in Earth Observation. By using their satellites, they monitor climate change and other phenomenon affecting the globe. Additionally, telecom companies are interested in their services. 

Given that most customers are highly concerned about the environment, Skyrora plans to use a more sustainable fuel. The company will use its new fuel, Ecosene, made using plastic that’s not easily recycled, which has already been tested on its third stage engine. 

With this revolutionary fuel coming from Skyrora, the vehicle can reduce its impact on the environment while still accomplishing multiple restarts in orbit. Furthermore, the vehicle will be capable of manoeuvring in space to deliver each satellite to the right location safely. 

That’s not all because the company has more agendas for the 1st and 2nd parts of the LV with Skyrora hoping to accomplish the development of a new engine for them. 

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