Your Guide to Space Related Events in the UK in September
31st Aug 2023
As autumn begins, the month of September brings forth a spectacular array of space related events that will captivate everyone of every age with an interest in space. These exciting events hold fascination not just for those who are inquisitive stargazers, but also for experienced scholars and devoted space enthusiasts.
Key space related events in September
Don’t delay any further! Book your tickets today and mark these incredible events on your calendar to ensure you partake in all the excitement that you can!
Instant Expert: The equations that explain the universe
When: 2nd September
Where: Cavendish Conference Centre22 Duchess Mews London W1G 9DT United Kingdom
Equations are the bedrock of science, expressing how numbers or physical properties relate at a fundamental level. Without equations, most of our technology would never have been invented. We may have got fire or the wheel, but without equations’ ability to calculate and predict we would be stuck in the technological dark ages. Equations have brought us radio and computers and sent us to the Moon, and are an ideal lens to view the key developments in science.
At this event, six expert speakers will guide you on a tour of the most fascinating equations that explain our universe. On the way you’ll learn why the Pythagorean theorem is so important, how Newton devised the law of gravity and all about the history of thermodynamics. Of all the space related events in the UK in September, this one is certain to get you thinking.
Bobbin Babies – Space Edition in the Planetarium
When: 6th September
Where: Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum Glen Pavilion Dunfermline KY12 8QH United Kingdom
Explore space from the ground looking at the planetarium’s displays. Suitable for babies aged 0 up to 3, this session will be an opportunity to bond and sing songs with your little one. This month, the guest is Alice Rainbow who may include some baby yoga movements and mindfulness tips too.
We Are Stars & We Are Guardians
When: 9th September
Where: Market Hall Duke Street Devonport PL1 4PS United Kingdom
What are we made of? Where did it all come from?
Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. Connect life on Earth to the evolution of the Universe by following the formation of hydrogen atoms to the synthesis of carbon, and the molecules for life.
In a world out of balance, We Are Guardians explores how ecosystems are intrinsically connected and with the increasing use of satellite monitoring, examines the links between human activities and climate change.
Under the surface of Scotland’s space industry | In-person
When: 11th September
Where: The Royal Society Of Edinburgh 22-26 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2PQ United Kingdom
With the global space market expected to hit $1 trillion USD by 2040, it might still be a surprise to some that Scotland is planning to be one of the big hubs of the space sector. Over recent years, the space industry in Scotland has grown from strength to strength – from Spaceports built to launch satellites and businesses developing technologies to the use of satellite data to companies working to investigate space sustainability. Scotland is building a space industry that will be able to compete with the other major players in the sector – and it shows no signs of slowing down.
The Royal Society have brought together innovators and experts from across the country who are some of the leading names in the Scottish space sector to share their insight and thoughts about where how far we’ve come and talk about the new frontiers for Scotland’s rapidly growing space industry. Here’s one of the space related events in September that looks forward in a practical way indeed.
Island Universes: Discovering Galaxies Beyond the Milky Way
When: 13 September
Where: Gresham CollegeBarnard’s Inn Hall Holborn London EC1N 2HH United Kingdom
The discovery that we live in an ordinary galaxy, one of several hundred billion in the observable Universe, instigated a profound change in thinking about our place in the Universe. This first lecture covers the Great Debate of the early twentieth century as new telescopes and new ways of observing the cosmos put our Milky Way in its place; and looks at how subsequent observations helped us understand how galaxies like our own formed and evolved.
Orbit South Central: September 2023
When: 20th September
Where: Surrey Space Centre Stag Hill University Campus GU2 7XH United Kingdom
Space South Central is delighted to host its monthly networking event, ORBIT SOUTH CENTRAL. Let’s take Orbit on the road!
Created with the aim of connecting key players in the UK space industry and providing an opportunity to discover the region’s space-related activities, whilst discussing the sector on both a local and national level. The monthly networking events are an occasion in which we can meet to share our knowledge and skills. A chance to hear the latest news, and funding opportunities whilst listening to experts across the sector share their thoughts and ideas.
Speakers for this month include Dr Will Lovegrove from the University of Surrey, Jacob Smith from Space Careers, and Owain Pryce-Jones from Archangel Lightworks Ltd.
Cosmic Horizons: Our Ever-Expanding Universe
When: 23rd September
Where: Imperial College London, Saint Mary’s Campus Praed Street London W2 1NY United Kingdom
Are you curious about the secrets of the Universe and how it all works? Homo sapiens throughout time have gazed at the stars and wondered what was out there. From Eratosthenes to Edwin Hubble, people have attempted to uncover the mysteries of the Universe. Have you ever wondered about the mysteries it may hold? The good news is that Off the Curriculum has launched an Astrophysics Masterclass to teach you about the wonders of Space. Bringing the magic of astronomy right to your fingertips.
International Conference on “Space Security and Safety Dimensions”
When: 28th September
Where: Space Park Leicester 92 Corporation Road Leicester LE4 5SP United Kingdom
Welcome to the International Conference “Space Security and Safety Dimensions,” where experts and professionals from around the world gather to explore the critical aspects of space security and safety. Explore key topics, including dark sky protection, space sustainability, and the use of satellite for security needs. Delve into the intersection of space safety and security, addressing cyber protection challenges in space systems.
For space enthusiasts throughout the UK, September 2023 promises an exceptional experience. Regardless of your location, space related events are available for everyone to relish. Venture outdoors and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing celestial marvels that await!
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