Is There Wi-Fi In Space? The Brief History Of Internet Development In Orbit

23rd Jan 2025
Is There Wi-Fi In Space? The Brief History Of Internet Development In Orbit

In the 21st century, fast internet is as commonplace as a cup of coffee in the morning or a sandwich heated in the microwave. But what about space? Have you ever wondered if there’s internet in space? Does the ISS have Wi-Fi? Can ISS astronauts post a selfie with a view of the Earth on Instagram or watch a new episode of their favourite series on Netflix? We will immerse you in the world of space internet, answer the question of Wi-Fi availability in space, and reveal how technologies are developing in this area.

Is The Internet Available In Space?

Wi*Fi in space
Credit: AI generated

Of course, yes! Although it’s different from what we are used to on Earth. Astronauts do have access to the internet in space, but it’s not as fast and stable as ours.

For a long time, communication during space flight was carried out through radio waves. The first attempts to provide internet in space began only in the late 90s when the International Space Station was launched into LEO. Today, 25 years later, the question “is there internet on the ISS?” seems strange. After all, you didn’t think that the most high-tech structure ever created by humanity would be left without the Internet, did you?

But the path was thorny. In 2000, a laptop with dial-up internet access was mounted on the ISS. Yes, the very same dial-up with its annoying connection buzzer and low speed (up to 56 Kbps)! This was the first time connecting to the World Wide Web from orbit. The next upgrade happened only ten years later when ISS astronauts accessed relatively high-speed internet for the first time thanks to the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRS), which uses a network of geostationary satellites to transmit data.

In the same 2010, Wi-Fi appeared on the ISS. To make this possible, the Wireless Access Point (WAP) system was used, providing a wireless connection between various devices on the station, similarly to the Wi-Fi access points we have at home or in the office. All devices on the ISS are interconnected in a local network, which, in turn, is connected to the main communication channel with Earth.

How Fast Is Wi-Fi In Space?

ISS internet speed gradually increased with advancements in technology. After implementing the TDRS system, the speed reached 3 Mbps, allowing astronauts to communicate with their families via video calls.

2019 witnessed a major breakthrough when NASA introduced OPALS (Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science) laser communication technology, opening up new possibilities for transmitting large volumes of scientific data.

How fast is NASA’s internet? The data transfer speed through OPALS reaches 600 Mbps. Noteworthy, the segments of other countries on the ISS use NASA’s internet rather than their own. However, NASA is not going to stop there.

diagram of the full ILLUMA-T to LCRD to Earth gigabit laser internet
A diagram of the full ILLUMA-T to LCRD to Earth gigabit laser internet. Credit: NASA

In November 2023, SpaceX Crew Dragon delivered ILLUMA-T (Integrated LCRD Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal) to the ISS. Installed outside the station, the terminal uses an infrared laser to transmit data to the LCRD (Laser Communications Relay Demonstration) relay satellite located in geostationary orbit. The first tests have already shown that ILLUMA-T can reach record speeds of 1.2 Gbps, which allows for 4K video transmission without delay, but this is probably not the limit. The technology continues to be tested.

What Do Astronauts Use Wi-Fi In Space for?

Wi-Fi plays an important role in the daily life and work of astronauts on the ISS. It’s used for a variety of purposes.

Communication With Earth

Astronauts use Wi-Fi for video calls, e-mail exchange, and communication via instant messengers and social networks. This allows them to stay in touch with their loved ones, participate in video conferences with colleagues on Earth, give interviews, and conduct educational events for schoolchildren and students.

Work And Research

Wi-Fi on ISS provides convenient access, management, and transmission of scientific data obtained during experiments, technical documentation, and other information necessary for work. 

The wireless connection is also used for updating the software of the station’s onboard systems and for remote control of scientific equipment, in particular, the Robonaut 2 robot, which performs various tasks on the station.


Astronauts can use Wi-Fi to surf the internet, read news, listen to music and podcasts, as well as watch movies and series.

Can You Watch Netflix In Space?

watching Netflix in space
Watching Netflix on the moon. Credit: joakeim99

Technically, ISS internet speed allows watching streaming video, but some limitations still exist. Firstly, astronauts have a limited amount of traffic, and priority is given to the transmission of scientific data and communication with Earth. Using streaming services consumes a lot of traffic, so astronauts have to normalize it, choosing what to spend it on. Secondly, even with high data transfer speed, there is still a signal delay between the ISS and Earth, which may lead to buffering and interruptions when watching video. Therefore, instead of Netflix, astronauts often use the internal NASA network, where a large selection of movies and TV series are stored.

By the way, did you know that according to legend, the first movie shown in space was “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) by Stanley Kubrick? It was allegedly watched by the crew of Apollo 8 when they orbited the Moon in 1968. However, the Russians claim that the first movie was watched in space by the crew of Soyuz-6 in 1969, and it was the Soviet action movie “White Sun of the Desert”.

Do Astronauts Have Wi-Fi In Spacesuits?

Astronauts do not use wireless connection during spacewalks, as Wi-Fi in space has a number of disadvantages: limited range, weak signal in a vacuum, and susceptibility to interference from equipment operations and solar radiation.

Currently, communication between astronauts and the ISS is carried out using UHF radio waves. Although the technology is proven and reliable, it has a number of limitations, such as low bandwidth and dependence on direct visibility between the spacesuit and the receiving antenna.

However, the situation may change in the future. For instance, Axiom Space is working with Nokia to develop a communication system for new lunar spacesuits based on 4G/LTE technology. The system will provide higher data transfer speed and enhanced communication reliability. It will also allow astronauts to use various applications, for example, for navigation and HD video transmission from cameras on the spacesuit.

Besides, SpaceX is also developing suits for Crew Dragon spacewalks as part of the Polaris Dawn program. These spacesuits will also feature an advanced communications system, although details have yet to be released.

Wi-Fi – The Key To The Future Of Space Exploration?

It’s obvious that the development of the internet in space is of great importance for the future expansion of humanity in the Universe. High-speed and reliable wireless connection will be necessary for controlling robots, transmitting scientific data, and ensuring the safety of astronauts in their missions to colonize the Moon, Mars, and other planets. And who knows, perhaps in the near future, the question “is there Wi-Fi?” will be heard in space as often as on Earth, and we will be able to sit in a cafe somewhere beyond our planet with a cup of “space latte” and surf the internet, enjoying the view of the stars from the window.

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