Best Photos of Aurora, Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas, and Moon-Saturn Conjunction From Around the Globe [7-14 October]

15th Oct 2024
Best Photos of Aurora, Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas, and Moon-Saturn Conjunction From Around the Globe [7-14 October]

Welcome to the weekly roundup of the best astrophotos of the week according to the version of Orbital Today! Last week (7-14 October), the most anticipated events in the night sky were the Northern Lights, Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-Atlas) appearance, and the Moon and Saturn conjunction. Let’s take a closer look at these celestial events through the lens of amateur astrophotographers who posted their best shots on social media.

To learn which astronomical events are ahead in October, read our article.

Lady Aurora & The Giants Of The Sperrins

Photographer Patryk Sadowski shared some fascinating images of the Northern Lights lighting up the Giants of the Sperrins on 11 October. The rare aurora display added an ethereal glow to the already majestic landscape!

Aurora & The Giants
Credit: @PatrykSadowski_ via X

“Last night, a breathtaking display of the Aurora Borealis lit up the skies over Ireland, casting vibrant hues of green and purple across the horizon,” wrote Patrick on his X account. “The Giants of the Sperrins made themselves comfortable beneath the shimmering lights.”

Aurora & The Giants
Credit: @PatrykSadowski_ via X

The Giants of the Sperrins are a series of large, sculptural installations located in the Sperrin Mountains of Northern Ireland. These sculptures are inspired by the myths and natural beauty of the region. They represent giants from ancient Irish mythology, linking the landscape to tales of legendary figures from the past.

Aurora & The Giants
Credit: @PatrykSadowski via X

Northern Lights In Kentucky

Kentucky is located much further south than typical aurora sightings. However, during a strong geomagnetic storm caused by a solar flare last week, the beautiful aurora was visible in more southern locations, including parts of the U.S.

Recent increased solar activity as we approach the solar maximum (expected around 2025) has made auroras more common across lower latitudes.

Norhtern Lights in Kentucky
Credit: Lj Barnes via Facebook

Red Northern Lights

It’s hard to believe, but this great photo of Aurora was taken on a phone. Read our article to learn how to take photos of celestial objects on a phone that looks not worse than those taken on a professional camera.

@Who hooo at last, i got to see and catch those elusive lights,” Theodore Wank shared his excitement on Facebook. “Iphone 14 shots.”

Great job, Theodore!

red aurora
Credit: Theodore Wank via Facebook

Aurora In Löningen

Moritz Paffrath took this Aurora Borealis image over northwest Germany, Löningen.

Like Kentucky, Germany is located at a latitude that is typically too far south for frequent aurora displays but still possible during strong geomagnetic storms. In northwest Germany, during these rare events, the aurora usually appears as a faint glow in the sky, often with green or red hues, like in this astrophoto.

Credit: Moritz Paffrath via Facebook

Comet C/2023 A3 Over Calgary

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-Atlas) is a recently discovered comet that has created excitement among astronomers and skywatchers. As it moves through the inner solar system, the comet is expected to become visible in various parts of the world this October, including over cities like Calgary.

“Bighill Mesa Northwest of Calgary. 20241015T0230Z,” Halran Thomas wrote on his X. Comet C/2023 A3 (Xiqingzhan-ATLAS) has an interesting anti-tail. This just happens to be the largest that I have seen. This image was shot with a full-frame camera with an 85mm lens, so I would give the anti-tail a full 10 degree length. It’s a shame that the waxing gibbous Moon is washing out a lot of the comet.”

Comet C/2023 A3 (Xiqingzhan-ATLAS)
Credit: @theauroraguy (Halran Thomas) via X

Comet C/2023 A3 Over Cap-Rouge Route Jean Gauvin

Another great shot of the Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas taken at Cap-Rouge Route Jean Gauvin on October 13, 2024. Philippe Moussette shared via Facebook: “Canon R3 and RF 100 300mm f2.8 3 seconds 3200 iso.”

comet over Jean Gauvin
Credit: Philippe Moussette via Facebook

Moon & Saturn Conjunction

On the night of 14 October, a moon-saturn conjunction occurred, and the Moon passed close to Saturn in the sky. This event was visible to the naked eye and was especially striking when viewed through a telescope. Astrophotographer Omar Albaz expertly photographed this beautiful phenomenon.

Moon and Saturn conjunction
Credit: Omar Albaz via Facebook

Thank you to all the photographers who shared their amazing images for our best astrophotos of last week’s list! We greatly appreciate your dedication and passion for astrophotography and wish you clear skies for your future captures!

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