Best Astrophotos Of The Week: Enjoy August Full Moon, Andromeda Galaxy, And Orion Nebula [19-26 August]

26th Aug 2024
Best Astrophotos Of The Week: Enjoy August Full Moon, Andromeda Galaxy, And Orion Nebula [19-26 August]

Welcome to our next collection of the best astrophotos of the week, where we publish the most impressive images taken by amateur astrophotographers across social media. We are excited to see how this section develops and that astrophotographers send us more amazing photos for publication. Our mission at Orbital Today is to support and promote space enthusiasts who share their excitement for space exploration.

Last week, we were thrilled to observe the unique August full supermoon. Except for it, other space objects were visible through the photographer’s lens: the Andromeda galaxy, the Bubble nebula, the Orion nebula, and so on. Although we have already published photos of these celestial wonders more than once, they appear from a new angle every time through the prism of different photographers’ visions.

All the captions are kept original.

Andromeda Galaxy

The first image from the best astrophotos of this week’s collection impressed us with its details.

“I took this photo of the Andromeda Galaxy in Winter Harbor on 8/24/24 using the Sharpstar Z4 and the ASI6200MC Pro,” the photographer commented on it.

Andromeda Galaxy
Credit: Timothy Cushman via Facebook

Cygnus Wall

The next astrophoto represents the Cygnus Wall, part of the North American Nebula NGC7000, an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cygnus.
“This image was taken on July 16th and 17th. It is made up of 52 5-minute frames, for a total of 4 hours and 20 minutes of integration,” the author has written.

Cygnus Wall
Credit: Nicoletta Guarniera via Facebook

IC 5148 Planetary Nebula

“IC 5148 is a planetary nebula located in the constellation of Grus, about 3000 light years away from us. It has a magnitude of around 13th and a diameter of about 120, the photographer captioned this image. “It can be observed visually with telescopes of 15cm and above.”

planetary nebula
Credit: Rolando Ligustri via Facebook

Bubble Nebula

Another astrophoto captures one of the most popular space objects among space enthusiasts. “Last night’s pic of the region around Sh2-157 and the Bubble Nebula,” the photographer has written.

Bubble Nebula
Credit: Jim Owen via Facebook

Super Blue Moon

The next few astrophotos depict the full moon of August from different locations and days.

Here is the super blue moon of the 19th August 2024.

Credit: Petula Trávníčková via Facebook

August Blue Moon

This detailed and rather clear image of the Super Moon is taken with a phone, as the photographer mentioned.

Super blue moon
Credit: Miguel Angel Osorio via Facebook

August Supermoon From Reunion Island

The last moon image as for this collection was sent to us by Wals Prod. It was made from the Reunion island, as the photographer told us.

moon from reunion island
Credit: Wals Prod via Facebook

Orion Nebula And Running Man In Toulouse

The last astrophoto for this week was taken in France last winter. Thank you for sending it to us!

“Because of its brightness and prominent location just below Orion’s Belt, M42 can be spotted with the naked eye while offering a great glimpse of star birth for those with telescopes. It’s also a marvel in photos.
It’s the star of the winter sky! The Great Orion Nebula M42 is a vast complex of gas resembling a bird spreading its wings. The brightest diffuse nebula in the sky, this nursery of stars is fascinating in any telescope: swirls of gas, dark channels, and colourful hues await you,” the photographer described his artwork.

Credit: Willy Désiré via Facebook

Thank you to all the photographers who shared their amazing images for our best astrophotos of last week’s list! We greatly appreciate your dedication and passion for astrophotography and wish you clear skies for your future captures!

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