Not Only Perseids: See The Best Astrophotos Of Last Week! [5 August – 12 August]
12th Aug 2024![Not Only Perseids: See The Best Astrophotos Of Last Week! [5 August – 12 August] Not Only Perseids: See The Best Astrophotos Of Last Week! [5 August – 12 August]](
Welcome to our weekly round-up of the best astrophotos! August is in full swing, and the most prominent evet happening in space right now is for sure the Perseid meteor shower. However, there is one more celestial wonder lighting up the skies in different corners of the world: the Northern lights. See them beautifully complement each other in some of the best astrophotos of last week!
Except for these, there are more stunning space objects captured by astrophotographers last week: from the gorgeous Milky Way to the amazing Iris nebula.
As our mission at Orbital Today is to support the space exploration and photographers’ dedication to imaging it, join us to explore the best astrophotos of the week from 5 August to 12 August!
Captions under the photos are kept original.
Perseids Among Stars
“As it was clear for most of last night I setup my camera’s with my Miops camera triggers on timelapse to see if I could catch some Persieds before the cloud rolled in.They are very big crops of the ones I captured,” the photographer captioned his image taken on 11 August.

Perseids And Andromeda Galaxy
“Perseids last night, August 11th, 2024, between 12:48 a.m. and 1:43 a.m. In this collage, I picked out the 9 brightest meteorites from the mass of hundreds of images and inserted them into a stacked background image. The camera was pointing towards the Andromeda galaxy. The location was the Black Alb with an extremely clear and dark sky,” the author has written.

Milky Way And Rock Church
This beautiful photograph of the Milky Way was taken at the Rock Church in Cranfills Gap, TX.

Milky Way And The Sign
“Bwlch y Ddeufaen. North Wales. (Last night),” the author has commented on his astrophoto.

The Moon
Here is “the Moon: Waxing Crescent phase,” as the author mentioned.

Milky Way And Tree Branch
Another beautiful Milky Way image from an unusual perspective, featuring a tree branch with blossom.

“Brilliant” Lagoon Nebula
“My recent deep space image shows a very appealing area of the night sky, a region of star making gaseous nebula called the Lagoon Nebula, 4,100 light years away in the constellation of Sagittarius. What’s a light year ? Though sometimes confusing it is the distance traveled by the fastest thing in the universe over one year and that is light itself. Light travels at 299,792 kilometers per second, fast enough to go around the Earth seven times in just one second. So, at that speed it would take about four thousand and one hundred years to get there,” the photographer described this astrophoto.

Aurora And Perseids From Romania
“It was a pleasant surprise, I have to admit. Checking some of my frames and randomly noticing the violet hue. I rushed onto taking a panorama, and then kept hunting for meteors in the Perseus-Taurus region. I’m happy I got to image both phenomena, Aurora borealis and Perseid meteor shower.
In the lower left, it’s the yellow white-ish light pollution from the city,” the photographer commented on this fantastic image.

Bright Iris Nebula
“Iris Nebula NGC 7023, a difficult object due to the low surface brightness of all but the bright core,” the photographer captioned his artwork.

The Beautiful Trifid Nebula
“The beautiful Trifid Nebula is a very unique ladder, also known as the Trifid Nebula M20, located in the direction of the nebula-filled constellation Sagittarius, about 5,000 light-years away. The Trifid Nebula is one of the star-forming regions in the bank disk, and has three different forms of astronomical nebulae, including emission nebulae dyed red by the glow of hydrogen atoms, bluish reflection nebulae formed by dust reflecting starlight, and silhouette-shaped dark nebulae that are essentially dense and modified,”

Thank you to all the photographers who shared their amazing images for our best astrophotos of last week list! We greatly appreciate your dedication and passion for astrophotography and wish you clear skies for your future captures!
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