TOP 10 Astrophotos Of The Week: Messier 106, Flaming Star Nebula, And More! [7th-14th June]
14th Jun 2024![TOP 10 Astrophotos Of The Week: Messier 106, Flaming Star Nebula, And More! [7th-14th June] TOP 10 Astrophotos Of The Week: Messier 106, Flaming Star Nebula, And More! [7th-14th June]](
Every week, we monitor social media to find the most breathtaking sky and space images and assemble them into a collection of the top astrophotos of the week.
This time, our top 10 list is breathtaking, with the amazing Messier 106, the incredible Flaming Star Nebula, and much more! Scroll down the article to see all the images that enchanted us this second week of June.
RCW 85 Star-Forming Region By @Reineguerrieree
“From the 1960 astronomical catalogue of Rodgers, Campbell and Whiteoak, emission region RCW 85 shines in southern night skies between bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri,” the author has commented on this image.

Sadr Region By Ionut Nedelcu
“The Sadr region, located in the constellation Cygnus and centred around the star Sadr (Gamma Cygni), is an expansive area approximately 1,800 light-years from Earth. This region, rich in emission nebulae, dark nebulae, and star clusters, spans several degrees of the sky.
Shot in Bedfordshire, UK, Bortle 7,” the photographer captured this beautiful shot.

Messier 106 By @carefreeastro
“Messier 106 with some 2022 OSC and some 2024 mono (L+Ha),” the author has signed his image on X.

Flaming Star Nebula By MC RN
“Making a List and Checking it Twice
Although it’s called the Flaming Star Nebula, or IC 405, I’ve always thought this looks more like a reverse/backward check mark, at least from this orientation. While working on this project, the reverse check mark made me think of some friends out there in the universe going through major changes in their lives. Goals and lists have been made, and accomplishments checked off.
All are at different parts on their lists; some are just about there, some are just getting started, some are finding a good groove, and others have encountered setbacks.
Regardless of where you are on your list this one is for you, to keep moving forward and keep checking those things off your list. Sometimes the greatest motivator is when someone says it can’t be done, so prove them wrong!”
An inspiring speech, thank you to the photographer!

Hemtt Under The Stars By Genna Hammer
“Thanks @SeanKD_Photos for convincing me to get the 20mm out,” and we are thankful to the author of this astrophoto for sharing it!

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula By Dave Wong
“One of the most colourful areas of the summer night sky which is composed of various nebulae, e.g. IC4603 IC4604 IC4606 and cluster star system M4 and NGC6144,” the photographer commented on this picturesque cosmic view.

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex By @Ampazour_
Another perspective of the same object.
“Finally home and finally able to process my #astrophotography image. Part of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. Amazed at how much dust I could pull out with only 80 min. Definitely want to reshoot this target with some better framing and hopefully bring out some reds,” the photographer has written.

Eastern Veil Nebula By Kaiden Bain
“30 hours on Eastern Veill, and my first nebula image with my glorious Stellarvue refractor! It’s still a shot colour, though… Monochrome coming soon,” the author has commented. Thank you, looking forward to seeing it!

The Blue Galaxy By @LisaBromfield_
The photographer hasn’t signed her astrophotograph, but look at these blue and pink hues in the dark sky!

IC 1284 Nebula By Giacomo Pro
“Also known by the acronyms Sh2-37 and RCW 153, it is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Sagittarius.
It is located in the northwestern part of the constellation, along the plane of the Milky Way; it extends for about 20 arc minutes in an area of sky heavily obscured by dense dust clouds. The most suitable period for its observation in the evening sky falls between June and November.
It is a small but bright H II region whose light passes through a crack left free by the extensive nebulous accumulations of the LDN 291 cloud. IC 1284 is located on the Sagittarius Arm at a distance of approximately 5540 light years. It hosts intense star formation phenomena,” the author has told about his image.

Thank you to all the photographers who shared their amazing images for our top 10 astrophotos of the week list! We greatly appreciate your dedication and passion for astrophotography and wish you clear skies for your future captures.
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