UK Applicants Manage It through the Next Round of the European Space Agency’s Astronaut Call

28th Feb 2022
UK Applicants Manage It through the Next Round of the European Space Agency’s Astronaut Call

The ESA has recently opened up astronaut vacancies, and many UK astronauts have made it through the first rounds. The European Space Agency hasn’t made a call like this for over a decade, so it’s certainly an exciting prospect. They have even invited people with physical disabilities to apply. A whopping 2,000 of the 22,523 applications received, came from the UK.

UK Astronauts Applying

After an initial screening phase, over a thousand people were invited to phase two of the selection process. The process is very rigorous, with psychological testing making up a large part of it. Of all the UK astronauts that applied, 77 were women, and 89 were men. The UK actually had the third-highest number of applicants.

A total of 831 men and 530 women completed the first phase, including two with physical disabilities. Those who succeed with phase two will then participate in a number of psychological assessments and group testing, followed by medical tests. The British astronauts that pass will head on to do interviews. The European Space Agency will announce its new astronauts and reserve staff in autumn this year.

Bright Future for the UK Space Sector

The many British astronauts that have made it through the ESA’s selection process are a testament to how fast the UK space sector is continuing to grow. Being an astronaut may be a dream come true for many people living in Britain. Let’s wish the UK astronauts all the best with the screening process!

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