Elecnor Deimos contribute to the mission Ingenio
28th Nov 2020
Elecnor Deimos had contributed an immortal work in the definition and implementation of the lost mission Ingenio. Although the launch of this satellite has failed, “It has been demonstrated that the Spanish industry has been capacitating. Not everything has been lost, Spanish Technology has been developed,” says Miguel Belló.
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Vega rocket carrying the Spanish satellite “Ingenio” and the French satellite “Taranis” strayed from its trajectory 8 minutes after taking off, according to the last ESA report. The launch took place in Guayana, but it could not reach its orbit.
Miguel Belló, an engineer from Puerto Rico, is an expert in these sorts of projects. He explained in an interview that Spain brought to an Italian Space Agency a space launcher, Vega. It is very reliable, but 3% of the time this launcher will fail. Bello explained that this failure could happen; it is not a train or bus, this technology is brought to space and it can happen.
Ingenio, with a team formed by Spanish experts and European industries among Elecnor Deimos, has made a significant contribution to the mission’s development. The company focused on earth segment activities dedicated to the gathering of data.
The mission Ingenio, also known as SEOSAT (Spanish Earth Observation Satellite), was the second mission of PNOTS (Programa Nacional de Observación de la Tierra por Satélite de España). The mission’s main goal was to provide information for mapping, urban management, and risk management, among other applications. However, even with the failure of the launch, it is still counting with Deimos satellite, which is doing great work. “Now we have to move forward,” says Belló.
Elecnor Deimos’ work on this satellite
Elecnor Deimos has assumed some responsibilities in this mission. For example, it was dedicated to the preliminary design of the complete march segment design, development and validation of critical components. Moreover, the company was also part of the design, development and validation of the L0 and L1 operational processors that process the telemetry data.
In the last 12 years, Elecnor Deimos has participated in developing the project to contribute 30 employees to it. Furthermore, Deimos has improved its access to different international markets around the world like an earth segment provider.
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