Co-Founder of Copenhagen Suborbitals escapes from prison

22nd Oct 2020

The co-founder of Copenhagen Suborbitals, Peter Madsen, was in the news this week again as he staged a dramatic escape from his prison cell in Denmark.

News of the Danish rocket builder’s escape was reported across numerous media outlets yesterday, with images and videos being shared across social media

The Danish “inventor” appeared with a belt around his waist that he claimed was a bomb and a home-made pistol in his hand.

Who is Peter Madsen?

Peter Madsen was convicted of murdering journalist Kim Wall back in 2017 in his submarine. He has consistently claimed that he was innocent of the murder despite a jury delivering a unanimous guilty verdict which resulted in a life sentence.

Along with business partner, Kristian Von Bengtson, who is currently the CTO of Danish rocket company Orbital Express Launch Ltd (also known as Orbex), Peter Madsen created Copenhagen Suborbitals, a group of amateur rocket builders. The pair had built a number of rockets and manned space vehicles through a number of crowdfunding campaigns before eventually leaving the group in 2014.

A movie was made about the murderer that was due to be released in 2020 by Netflix but was suddenly shelved after one person featuring in the film put up a legal objection.

Madsen was very promptly captured after his escape attempt.

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